

Katerina is determined and creative, and you will often find her spending time doing things she loves that also match up with her future plans. Namely, Katerina is already working towards her goal of becoming a computer programmer, to the point that she and her friends have developed real video game prototypes! Away from her computer, Katerina’s interests are largely fun and sporty. For example, Katerina enjoys playing volleyball with her friends on the beach and riding bikes with them, but she also has “a deep love for board games like Dungeons and Dragons, since it is a creative outlet that allows engaging with storytelling and strategy”.

Katerina is also a dedicated student, excelling academically and balancing her extracurriculars with her schoolwork. After getting home from school in the afternoon, she usually finishes her homework before turning to other activities. She hopes to apply her experiences to a career in technology, and says, “I believe that the IT field offers endless possibilities for innovation and creativity.” She looks forward to seeing what academic and extracurricular options are available in her future US high school!

Katerina is very excited to start her year as a FLEX exchange student, and she is thrilled at the chance to “learn about American culture, traditions, and way of life, while sharing my own experiences and culture.” She’s eager to grow as a cultural ambassador and embrace whatever opportunities her host community has to offer. For one, she would love to try playing games like Dungenous and Dragons in the US to compare the experience with her own experience in Estonia. Above all, Katerina loves meeting new people, so she looks forward to gaining new friends, contributing to her host family’s household in a meaningful way, and creating new memories together!



For Coordinators: Click here to access this student's application materials.


Age: 17 years

Country: Estonia

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