
About EMA

Ema from Lithuania is always looking to try something new! “I always try to live my life to the fullest. That’s how my parents have taught me to live,” she says. Ema is a small-town girl with big dreams. She appreciates the beautiful landscapes of her hometown and exploring new places with her family. She “loves having deep talks” with her three closest friends. “Each of them brings out the best in me in their own way,” she says.

Ema’s passion is acting. She recalls, “I’ve been doing it since I was a child and I love every second of it!” She is an active member of the local drama club and loves the feeling of being on stage. “It's amazing to hear the audience laugh and cry, especially when they're dead silent. That feeling when the play is over and everyone is clapping and shouting…what could be better than doing what you love and people getting enjoyment from that?” Outside of drama club, Ema is an avid reader. A few of her favorite books include The Hunger Games series and The Order of Time, a book exploring the nature of time. During her exchange year, she would love the opportunity to participate in a theater class or a book club!

Learning more about other cultures as an exchange student is one of Ema’s main goals in life, and she can’t wait to dig into local life and habits in her host community. She is eager to “learn about different cultures and traditions” while in the US, and she is also looking forward to expanding her palate by trying new foods. For example, she says, “I would love to try the original peanut butter and jelly sandwich!” When Ema thinks about her other goals for her exchange year, she says she would jump at the chance to “visit an amusement park, try mountain hiking, and go to a basketball game!” Above all, she hopes to make new friends at school and in her host family, create lifelong memories, and continue living life to the fullest.



For Coordinators: Click here to access this student's application materials.


Age: 17 years

Country: Lithuania

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